New Tales GameS? (with the 'S')

According to AbyssalChronicles ,There would be a slight chance that a new Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon for PSP. Not sure if it is true or not. just for the fact that not many news about the Narakiri Dungeon series would be the hint that it would be true. Well. "Every smokes comes from some sort of source"

And AbsoluteZero is almost finish with their Translation on Tales of Innocence for the NDS!!! The followings are the status of their progress

* Menu Translation: 100%
* Menu Editing: 100%
* Event Translation: 100%
* Event Editing: 100%
* Skit Translation: 100%
* Skit Editing: 100%
* Summary Translation: 100%
* Summary Editing: 100%
* NPC Translation: 100%
* NPC Editing: 100%
* Proofreading: 50%
* Audio Subtitles: 100%
* Graphics: 100%
* FMV Subtitles: 50%
* Hacking: 95%

So let's just cheer that it would be release next month or the month after that. Looks like it's going great after a long project.
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